The Closing Ceremony of the External Evaluation of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition was held by the "Generation of Resources Committee for Accreditation in Nation of the America (GRANA)."
This event was attended by Dr. Teresa García Gasca, Rector of the Autonomous University of Querétaro; Dr. José Guadalupe Gómez Soto, Director of the FCN; Dr. Andrea Margarita Olvera Ramírez, Academic Secretary; Ms. Fátima Cervantes Iturriaga, Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition, Dr. Tercia Cesárea Reis de Souza, Director of Planning; Dr. Donato Vallin González, General Director of GRANA; Dr. Francisco Josué Carrillo Ballesteros, Coordinator of the external evaluation committee; Ms. Elsa Fernanda Chávez Alabat, Coordinator of the internal evaluation committee. The main objective of this event was to deliver the results by the evaluators to Dr. Teresa García, who gave a grade of 8.97, which demonstrates an excellent result thanks to the effort and dedication of Teachers, Students and Administrative. CONGRATULATIONS! #SoyOcelote #SomosUAQ
Starting the evaluation for the purposes of International Accreditation of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition
The evaluation of international experts from GRANA in Nursing degrees stands out; Physiotherapy; Physical Education and Sports Sciences, from the Autonomous University of Querétaro: Dr. Josefa Ippolito, from the United States. Dr. Laura Masciantonio from Argentina. Dr. Natalia Morales from Colombia. Dr. Óscar Rubiano from Colombia. Dr. Sandra Vázquez from Mexico. Dr. Luis Antonio Botello from Mexico. Dr. Patricia Engardt from Argentina. Dr. Aydee Luisa Robayo from Colombia. Dr. Juarez do Nacsimento from Brazil. Dr. Alacoque Lorenzini from Brazil Dr. Julio César Guedea from Mexico. Dr. Nelsón Lopez from Venezuela Activities concluded on June 2, 2023 in the auditorium of the UAQ Rectory. Congratulations .
Starting the evaluation for the purposes of International Accreditation of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition
Starting today, Wednesday, June 7, 2023, the evaluation for the purposes of International Accreditation of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition (LN) of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (FCN) of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ). The process is expected to conclude on September 29 2023. GRANA experts from Chile, Spain, Brazil and Mexico will participate and will be part of the External Evaluation Committee (EEC). Congratulations to the UAQ, the FCN, the Coordination of the LN and the Internal Evaluation Committee (CEI) of the Academic Program of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition!
Welcome Doctor Yara Maria Franco Moreno from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
It is very pleasing to welcome the multinational delegation of academic-research experts in the field of nutrition, Dr. Yara Maria Franco Moreno from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, by the Health Sciences Division of GRANA International. ; Doctor Elda Rocio Gámez Martínez from the Universidad del Rosario in Colombia; Doctor Ethel Viviana Larregle from the National University of San Luis, Argentina; Doctor Francisco Josué Carrillo Ballesteros from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico (coordinator of this committee) who will evaluate the indices of capacity, creativity, quality, relevance, innovation and resilience in disruption (CCCAPIRD) of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico.
GRANA international participates with the National Federation of Colleges of Graduates in Administration
With enthusiasm and interest, the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences of GRANA international participates with the National Federation of Colleges of Graduates in Administration, The National College of Graduates in Administration A.C. of Mexico and in connection with the Latin American Organization of Administration in the international certification process for professionals in the field of administrative sciences.
National Forum of Masters and Doctorates in Nursing and Health Professionals
The dissertations at the National Forum of Masters and Doctorates in Nursing and Health Professionals from the perspective of Technical-Technological Innovation, held at the Franciscan University, Santa María, RS, Brazil, were interesting. Congratulations to Dr. Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann (former vice-rector of UFSC) for her participation in this forum and recognition for her important contributions and contributions to the Health Sciences Division of GRANA international in the evaluation processes for the purposes of International accreditation carried out to universities on the American continent.
Felicidades a la Dra. Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann (ex-vicerrectora de la UFSC) por su participación en este foro y un reconocimiento por sus importantes aportaciones y contribuciones para la División de Ciencias de la Salud de GRANA internacional en los procesos de evaluación con fines de acreditación Internacional realizadas a universidades del continente de América.
We conclude our participation in the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL FORUM
Convened by the LXlll legislature of the Congress of Deputies of the State of Jalisco, we proposed creating the Institute of Social, Economic and Comprehensive Governance Entrepreneurship to be developed by GRANA international and the Institute of Technological Entrepreneurship (IETECH). Particularly, we would like to thank Congresswoman María de Jesú Padilla Romo president of the legislative studies and regulations commission of the LXIII Legislature
UAQ Nursing Faculty obtains international accreditation
The evaluation of these three programs involved an internal review of each one, the selection of external evaluators, interaction through videoconferences, as well as a visit to the facilities and areas of the university. The Faculty of Nursing (FEn) of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ) and its academic programs taught: Bachelor's Degree in Nursing; in Physiotherapy; and in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, they obtained international accreditation with a duration of five years from Generation of Resources for Accreditation in Nations of the America (GRANA). Keep readingLa Facultad de Enfermería (FEn) de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ) y sus programas académicos que imparte: Licenciatura en Enfermería; en Fisioterapia; y en Educación Física y Ciencias del Deporte, obtuvieron por parte de Generation of Resources for Accreditation in Nations of the America (GRANA, por sus siglas en inglés) la acreditación internacional con una duración de cinco años. Seguir leyendo
The Faculty of Nursing of the UAdeC receives international accreditation
It was evaluated by Generation of Resources for Accreditation in Nations of the America. he educational program of Bachelor of Nursing taught at the Faculty of Nursing “Dr. Santiago Valdés Galindo” Saltillo Unit of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, received international accreditation from the evaluation body Generation of Resources for Accreditation in Nations of the America (GRANA). Keep readingl programa educativo de Licenciatura en Enfermería que se imparte en la Facultad de Enfermería “Dr. Santiago Valdés Galindo” Unidad Saltillo de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, recibió la acreditación internacional por parte del organismo evaluador Generation of Resources for Accreditation in Nations of the America (GRANA). Seguir leyendo
The Faculty of Nursing of the UAdeC receives international accreditation
It was evaluated by Generation of Resources for Accreditation in Nations of the America. he educational program of Bachelor of Nursing taught at the Faculty of Nursing “Dr. Santiago Valdés Galindo” Saltillo Unit of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, received international accreditation from the evaluation body Generation of Resources for Accreditation in Nations of the America (GRANA). Keep readingl programa educativo de Licenciatura en Enfermería que se imparte en la Facultad de Enfermería “Dr. Santiago Valdés Galindo” Unidad Saltillo de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, recibió la acreditación internacional por parte del organismo evaluador Generation of Resources for Accreditation in Nations of the America (GRANA). Seguir leyendo